Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
SWARG mouth freshner +plant |
31 |
VENTFRESH car air freshner |
3 |
VISCOTI-S fridge freshner |
5 |
YAHOO! mouth freshner |
29, 30, 31, 34 |
Z PAN MASTI mouth freshner |
31 |
ZION BABUL mouth freshner |
31 |
freshner |
31 |
hmt A-1 mouth freshner |
31 |
mouth freshner PRIYANKA |
30 |
mouth freshner RICH R +leaf |
31 |
rajasthani mouth freshner |
31 |
shimla mouth freshner |
30 |
singapore mouth freshner |
31 |
zion BABUL mouth freshner |
30 |
zion MAZAA mouth freshner |
31 |
freshness of ENGLISH BREEZE |
3 |
EVANI fair & freshness |
3 |
EVANI fair & freshness crea |
3 |
FRISK extreme freshness |
30 |
KISMAT enjoy the freshness |
30 |
extra freshness |
30 |
MAHARAJA'S freshup +sun |
32 |
PANCHWATI freshup |
32 |
SC freshy pineapple drinks |
32 |
BAKEMAN'S ovan fresn +chef |
30 |
AGL fress |
3 |
SUGUNA daily fressh |
29 |
frestech +bird |
7, 11 |
fri FRIENDS +arrow |
25 |
FE friction elements +arcs |
6 |
PUJA friction free |
12 |
RFA reduced friction action |
16 |
V.V. friction products |
12 |
friday dressing ALLEN SOLLY |
16, 25, 35 |
ALLEN SOLLY friday dressing |
16, 25, 35 |
T.G.I. friday's |
33 |
ALLEN SOLLY hot fridays |
3, 9, 14, 21, 24 |
JUST chill fridge bottle |
21 |
SURYA fridge bio-freshner |
3 |
VISCOTI-S fridge freshner |
5 |
VISCOTI-S fridgecare |
5 |
fridtjof nansen ON THE ROCK |
32 |
999 fried gram |
31 |
AACHI crispy fried chicken |
30 |
APPLE fried gram +apple |
31 |
BFG baked fried & grilled |
29, 30, 31, 35, 43 |
BHILVAA fried gram |
30 |
CHICAGO fried chicket +bird |
29 |
CHICK BUNS fried chicken |
42 |
CHICK PUNCH fried chicken |
29, 42 |
CHICKING fried chicken +bir |
30 |
EFC european fried chicken |
42 |
KENTUCKY fried chicken |
29, 30 |
ROJA fried gram adil +plant |
31 |
TANDY'S fried chicken +oval |
29 |
USPFC us pizza fried chicke |
43 |
asian fried chicken +birds |
29 |
chester fried +cartoon |
11 |
RELIANCE frieght management |
42 |
BF BOY friend +flowers |
25 |
friend |
5, 9, 19 |
MBF my best friend PRIYANKA |
35 |
ZEOMAX ideal friend for lif |
11 |
EYERIS kitchen-friendly |
21 |
HP gas your friendly +flame |
4 |
KAVIRAJ friendly +crown |
11 |
PUREPLY eco-friendly |
19 |
ROYAL COMFORT friendly towe |
24 |
SHAKTI friendly geyser |
11 |
SHAKTI friendly heater |
11 |
SUNDAYER yours friendly |
25 |
VEGGIEWASH eco-friendly |
5 |
VEGGIEWASH eco-friendly was |
5 |
eco-friendly +circle |
16 |
eco-friendly AGROFORESTRY |
16 |
kaviraj friendly +crown |
21 |
r-134A eco friendly |
7 |
friends NGP |
19 |
CASTLE friends forever |
9, 16 |
DC friends builders (LABEL) |
16, 19 |
FEB-friends |
7 |
FR friends |
25 |
RELIANCE unlimited friends |
9, 16, 38, 41 |
RELIANCE friendz 2 friendz |
38 |
RELIANCE friendz 2 friendz |
38 |
FUN fries |
30 |
JUST fries |
30 |
JUST fries +face |
29, 30 |
LOADED fries |
29 |
MAC fries |
29 |
golden fries +oval |
29 |
SF THE san frisco jeans co. |
24 |
SF the san frisco jeans co |
25 |
SF the san frisco jeans co. |
25 |
frish & pure +drop |
29 |
frish +woman |
3 |
frist FLOW |
32 |
frog |
1, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 25, 28, 35, 41, 42 |
frog brush & can |
2 |
AAPELO WORDS +frog umbrella |
16 |